Steve Maxwell's
Body part specialization routines
This video is for anyone wishing to get more muscular, and stronger
What makes these routines special is that they require neither fancy gym equipment—nor a trip to the gym at all.
I have used these routines, in various forms, over my many years...
The reason I created these body part specialization routines is to help people that find certain areas are simply not responding to their training.
Anyone who’s been training a number of years, will find that certain body areas are not as responsive as others; these routines solve this problem.
Body part specialization routines
5 different specialization routines —with instructions—in a 75 minute video for $40!
Hey, look, most of us aren’t going to look like the cover of Men’s Health magazine, but we can all improve our appearance, and feel and look our best. These routines will help.
With simple body weight and isometric exercises, you can get a terrific workout in your garage, basement, living room, or even your hotel room. One of the myths of training is that it requires sophisticated machines, or even heavy free weights.
Body part specialization routines
5 different specialization routines —with instructions—in a 75 minute video for $40!
Who is this video for?
This video is for anyone wishing to get more muscular, and stronger. These are not beginner routines, as it’s best to have a couple years experience training to to even know which body areas could be lagging and benefit from a specialization program. That said, the movements are infinitely adaptable for all levels of strength. To be real, the programs are best utilized by those with at least a couple years experience training, and relatively lean and strong.
Look, I don’t want to hype these, but they’re damn good workouts. —Steve Maxwell
Body part specialization routines
This video demonstrates some excellent exercise variations, using minimal equipment, so that you can get a great body part workout at home or on vacation. But, even if you have a fully-equipped gym, you can apply this same knowledge to a barbell or machine workout.
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