Coach's New Toy: The KettleBack

Sep 09, 2009

The ol' Coach loves new toys like a dog likes a new bone. Although my underlying workout philosophy is simple, straightforward, and minimalistic, I tend to be a gear-head and love trying out new stuff. There's nothing like a new pair of shorts, footwear, or other doodad to get me fired up and ready to go. Somehow, over the years I've managed to keep my enthusiasm high and I continue to experience real joy in the physical life and pushing myself.

Every once in a while, a new idea comes along that is so refreshing and interesting--yet utterly simple--that you wonder, Duh, why didn't I ever think of that? 

Such is the case with the KettleBack by MBody Strength. I've been around a long time, boys and girls, and I'm fairly well known in the subculture, so people seek me out to endorse their products and systems. I have a wide readership and I can get the word out, but one thing must be understood: I never endorse products I neither currently use nor haven't ever used, or put through some stern tests.

I discern a product's worthiness using a three step process:

     1) Testing it out on myself and putting myself through the paces
     2) Next, the product rolls downhill: I chase my teen protege and strap it on her for a test drive... the difficulty here is that she can outrun me, so time and again I must resort to subterfuge...
     3) If the product in question passes the above two tests, I'll test it out on actual clients

With the above methods, you can be sure that whatever I'm currently ballyhooing actually functions as it's supposed to. I don't care to be known as a guy selling sh!t to make money.

Yes, I need to make money to operate in the world... I must keep my little home on wheels fueled with diesel... but I refuse to make stupid money promoting anything I don't have my whole heart in. My time and money are my best investments and I assume the same of my readers.

It is imperative to me that my readers can trust my word thus when I say something is good, so it must be.

Back to the KettleBack! A deceptively simple, innovative idea. Basically a backpack for your kettlebell.

You may wonder: Coach nuts?

You might be saying (like the Coach): ...but in my hallway closet I'm already sitting on a half-dozen backpacks into which I can throw a kettlebell...

or maybe:

Hey, I can always just run down to REI and get something...

Another logical reaction might be: Why in hell would I want to put my kettlebell in a backpack????

Well, hold on there! Don't click me off just yet!

Let's start with the second question first. As you know, I'm very fond of training outdoors and ofttimes I have to park a fair haul away from the desired playground equipment, generally a pull-up bar or other horizontal bar. I can't tell you what a pain in the butt it is to lug all the equipment, in my hands - in one trip - usually across a field or wooded path. The KettleBack not only allows me to comfortably carry a kettlebell, but also a towel, jump rope, my trusty Lifeline Jungle Gym, two bottles of water, a heart rate monitor, Gym Boss, yoga mat and my beloved push-up board, all in a convenient, adjustable, extremely well-fitting and rugged bag. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to include body weight exercises along with my KB routine - wanted to go heavy and only wished I'd had a weighted vest to make the push-ups, chins and BW Rows more productive. I've managed cockamamie methods of tying my KB to my body with old jiu-jitsu belts and such - once I hung a kettlebell around my neck with a shoelace and damn near strangled myself. I didn't anticipate the shoelace cutting across the carotids in quite the way it did...

The KettleBack solves all those problems, because even if you can hang a KB around your waist, explain to me how that helps you with Rows and Push-Ups? And yes, no one likes a well-fitted weight vest as much as the ol' Coach but sometimes a weighted vest is inconvenient. To my very pleasant surprise, when tested out, the KettleBack superbly loaded all my favorite BW exercises. I tucked away a competition-size kettlebell inside and was able to do Dips, Chins, Push-Ups and Rows with great ease (well, if not exactly ease, make that full range of motion.) The narrow shoulder strap profile allows my arms to move in all directions without impediment. The straps are adjustable and hold the KettleBack tight to the body. The well-padded straps are comfortable: no chafing, rubbing or cutting in whatsoever. It's a dream for performing some of my favorite leg exercises, including Hindu Squats, Cossack Squats, Dragon Twists and Walking Lunges. All in all, I put it through its paces and couldn't be more pleased.

Which brings me to the next question - why NOT just go down to REI and get something similar for yourself at half the price - because these babies ain't cheap! I'll make a little confession: I'm a backpack freak. I love backpacks and sport bags and my friends can tell you how often I give away perfectly good bags just so I can get something new. I'm more or less intimately acquainted with about every pack REI and Eastern Mountain Sport have ever made. My young teen ward and I detest the ubiquitous shit-box roller bags you see in every airport. We strap our gear to our bodies so we can bound through terminals with all four limbs totally mobilized. Further, we enjoy traversing stairs in lieu of escalators as part of our ongoing philosophy of finding ways to work our bodies more all throughout the livelong day. Because we fly all over presenting seminars, you'd better believe we've scrutinized our packing systems for breaches and performance flaws. My friend, Marcus Martinez (inventor of the KettleBack and other marvels) has the same mindset when it comes to gear. He tried multiple combinations and bags before finally settling upon this design. Feel free to experiment yourself or feel free to buy the bag that's been field tested--and passed with flying colors.

Now even though I got mine for free, I guarantee that if Marcus told me to give it back, I'd buy it off him - that's how much I like it. And I swear if I'd seen one in a magazine, I wouldn't sleep until I had one--and then I would sleep with it!

I'm not put off by prices when something is good. I don't own much these days, but the few things I own are high-quality. I've found it's true that you get what you pay for - or at least you get the equivalent of the mindset you hold when making your choices. In short: I know a lot of people who cheap out on the wrong things and end up dissatisfied.

The only downside I can discern regarding the KettleBack vs. a weight vest is that with the KettleBack you can't lay down on your back, otherwise, there's virtually nothing I can't do. For avid hikers, backpackers and military men, it's an excellent tool for weighted hikes and walking. You can make your own version of a forced road march anytime you like! The bag is infinitely adjustable: it fit me and my young teen (on separate occasions) like a glove. Then, I adjusted it to fit three-time World Champion jiu-jitsu player heavyweight Xande Ribeiro. I hung it on him for a training session in preparation for his upcoming MMA fight in Japan this September and you are witness to the grueling circuit I put him through. In fact, I've never seen fatigue like this in training. Enjoy Xande's struggles because - believe me - that's the only way I'll ever beat the guy! What you're not seeing: his unyielding payback in my grappling lesson a little later...

So, now you have a quick and easy way to transport your kettlebell to and from the gym, when you fly, or, even an easy way to take your kettlebell to the park on your bike. I'm very pleased with Marcus' creation and I'm carrying this product in my online store. Buy it off my website - not his!

In Strength & Health,


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